Presenting The 2012 Second Quarter Metal Clay Design Challenge by Etsy’s Metal Clay Heads Team.
Entrants were posed with the challenge of designing a metal clay original work under the theme “1920s-1930s Era” including the technical requirement for each of the entries to be a threaded vessel. Talk about a true Challenge!
Each Quarter, the Metal Clay Heads team members embrace the task of incorporating new skills and techniques to gain personal growth as designers and artists. Sharing ideas, learning from each other, the highs and lows of successes and failures, each member is encouraged and supported along the adventure.
This Challenge was particularly difficult with several failed attempts and crossed-fingers, prayers whispered in anticipation and plenty of recycling!
Before revealing the entries, there is one very notable effort worthy of a spotlight:
Laura of ZOEOWYN, Art Jewelry Adornment designed a beautifully crafted threaded vessel.
These photos are examples of the degree of difficulty and gorgeous artwork that come from these Challenges. Although her vessel is still a work in progress, her design is duly noted and just a taste of what wonderful designs were entered by truly talented metal clay artists.
And now for the entries submitted for voting in the 2012 Second Quarter Metal Clay Design Challenge! In alphabetical order by Etsy shop name, here are the 4 entries, each and every one deserving of recognition for successfully conquering the Threaded Vessel Challenge! Please feel free to click on the photos for more details of each entry.
Silver Perfume Bottle, handmade fine silver Art Nouveau bottle necklace-OOAK by Jennifer of Envydesignsjewelry
A beautiful Art Nouveau style perfume bottle pendant in pure (.999) silver. Made entirely by hand, by me from recycled silver, this is a definite statement piece, featuring a raised iris design, and a screw on lid, with a carved leaf crown. There is a different texture on the back.
I added the bail on the back to hang the bottle from an 18" sterling silver snake chain.
I gave the bottle a rainbow patina, then buffed the raised design, to bring out the highlights.
This pendant is 2 3/8 inches long or 87.5mm x 16mm x 15mm. (more)
Pagoda By Anise of SeavBeach
This is an entry to a challenge in a wonderful group that I'm a part of. The design challenge was jewelry from the 1920's and 30's. I researched jewelry from that era and found the thing that intrigued me the most were the perfume bottles that were made during this time. Very intricate bottles were made to hold the finest perfumes from around the world. In reading about the jewelry from that period I found out that Asia influenced a wave of Art Deco jewelry. This is just one piece. The pendant. The top being a roof of a pagoda. It will fit into a built pagoda which will later become the bottle holder. (more)
Hagar's Threaded Vessel Pendant in Fine Silver by Bev of StuckOnSilver
Hagar's threaded vessel pendant in fine silver by Bev of StuckOnSilver
The dynasty created by Hagar's and Abraham's marriage included her land (from modern-day Libya and Egypt to Canaan) and his (from Iran and Iraq to Yemen) --a huge expanse of the known world. The leaves on the pendant represent the shrub that shaded their son Ishmael in the desert.
This pendant includes recycled silver and weigh approx. 4 grams. Vessel and top measure approx. 20 mm in length. A retro leaf motif adorns the vessel and top. Sleek square vessel has a circular screw-on top--both are hollow and might hold solid perfume or a mini-scroll with the name of a loved one on it (not included.) Wire holding the top is solid low-tarnish Argentium sterling silver for low-maintenance ease. (more)
Petite Bottle by Lisa of WillowandMe

Constructed with COPPRclay, the vessel sides and threaded connections were formed separately and assembled together to form this triangular Art Nouveau inspired bottle. I reserved the extra pieces cut from the vessel sides to place inverted which gives the vessel a unique bottle shape with angular sides. The top is also constructed using the pieces trimmed from the triangle bottoms, giving continuity of design throughout the entire piece. The bright red CZ is secured with prongs made from cut pieces of clay and set pre-firing. Fully sintered after three firings, this vessel measures about 1 ¼ inches tall.
Vote Now!
Please cast your vote using the Public Poll at the right. Voting will be open for two weeks and will close July 9th. The Winner of the Challenge will be announced shortly after. (The Technical Poll is for MCHs team members only.)
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